Scripture Reading:
Prov. 14:34
Is. 62:1-7
1 Tim. 2:1-4
Rom. 13:1-7
Pray that God’s purpose for Trinidad and Tobago will be accomplished such that our twin island will be a praise on the earth.
Pray that Jesus will be seen as Lord in Trinidad and Tobago.
Pray that Ministers of the Gospel & the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ will rise up and take our rightful place in the land.
Destroy the rule of satanic forces over our nation.
Pray for the cleansing of the land from evil works and the sins of our ancestors.
Pray that the plans of the enemies of righteousness will be dismantled by the power of God.
Declare that believers will shine the light of God’s love to the unsaved.
Pray for the outpouring of God’s spirit upon the land, resulting in a mighty revival and the salvation of souls, including government officials and other influential persons in our nation.
Pray for the peace of Trinidad and Tobago and a manifestation of unity in both islands.
Daily Prayer Points
National and Church leaders
Wisdom for living
Revival – the zeal of God to overtake and transform us so we can reach out with power and supernatural manifestations